"If you understand devotion,
you will understand Japan."
--from the movie: Emperor
1. https://web-japan.org Ministry Foreign Affairs
2. https://www.japan.travel/en/ Official Guide
3. https://www.japan-guide.com
4. https://jpninfo.com
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Tip #1 Jet Lag One hour drive to the airport, plus the recommended two hours to pass through baggage check, security and arrive at your international gate. Eleven hour flight, plus after arrival baggage claim, currency exchange, and transport to your accommodations. So after 13 hours you’re weary, hungry and eager to see the sights except for... Jet Lag. Who wants to feel miserable after all that effort and expense?
Jet Lag can significantly reduce your vacation or travel comfort, cause daytime fatigue, difficulty staying alert and gastrointestinal problems. For some that means not feeling well for a day or two or more which completely ruins the exciting plans you were expecting for the first few days. You don’t even want to eat, which is a shame since there are 30 types of restaurants in Japan and Tokyo has 148,582 restaurants? But anyone sensitive to rapid multiple time zone changes will be happy to know the steps that can prevent or minimize jet lag and help you enjoy great Japanese food the moment you land! *New York City only has 26,697 restaurants.
Patricia is highly sensitive to time zone changes, some of her symptoms last 10 days. On our first together trip to Japan I recommended using the Argonne Anti-Jet Lag Program Patricia was able to eliminate “90% of the effects of Jet Lag”.
This system helps travelers quickly adjust their bodies' internal clocks to new time zones. It is being used to speed the adjustment of shift-workers, commercial pilots and power plant operators to rotating work hours.
Argonne National Laboratory is one of 17 prestigious advanced research labs in the United States.
Part 1: The diet was developed by Dr. Charles F. Ehret of Argonne's Division of Biological Research based on studies of daily biological rhythms.
In short, I eat high protein breakfasts and lunches and high carbohydrate dinners starting 3 days before and continuing one day after arrival.
Part 2: Methylated xanthines [caffeine] management
Part 3: Activity Management
Argonne National Laboratory is one of the US Department of Energy's major centers for advanced research. “I have this anti-jet lag program to great advantage on every trip I've taken to Japan, Australia, the South Seas, Europe and Africa.” My traveling companions often take 2 or three days sleeping after arrival while I’m feeling energized, excited and ready to explore as soon as we touch down. It’s like getting an extra day or two to enjoy on every trip.
JAPAN INFORMATION SITES (come back to this list for more information about your coming adventure.
1. https://web-japan.org Ministry Foreign Affairs
2. https://www.japan.travel/en/ Official Guide
3. https://www.japan-guide.com
4. https://jpninfo.com