11 years running Tokyo is #1 for most (234) Michelin starred restaurants in the world. Moving further ahead of Paris ranked #2. **
**While many across the globe recognize Michelin Stars as a guide to excellent dining, countless restaurant owners in Japan have turned away the Michelin system because it doesn't rise to Japanese standards of omotenashi.<-- click
Omotenashi defines the "experience as “ichigo ichie” or a once in a lifetime experience. Thus, it is said that both the host and the guest must act with sincerity.
For the host, this act of sincerity requires immense preparation so that each guest can have the most memorable experience possible. It sometimes takes up to a year to prepare for a single tea ceremony because the host needs to select the right flowers, tea set, hanging scroll and confections to match the season and the guests’ preferences. If the host cannot find the perfect tea cup for the guests from their own collection, they will continue to searching everywhere until they find the perfect match."