Gassan Sadatoshi is a Japanese Master Swordsmith. His forge and studio can be visited in Sakura City, not far from Nara. Gassan has the honor of having made the sword for the new emperor of Japan and is considered a National Human Treasure of Japan, his work, so masterful, the far away Boston Museum of Art has sought out his work for the museum’s collection. I thought I would buy one of his swords for my son Jason.
I learned Gassan’s legendary swords cost $3 million. I believe that includes the beautiful blade engraving below.
After all, Gassan Sadatoshi makes swords for emperors. I have begun to save my pennies.
Tip # 25 NARA That same samurai sword forged folded steel can found a short walk from Todai-ji Temple, just above Nara Park where you can take home traditional Japanese fold forged steel in the form of fine cutlery for your kitchen.
Kikuichi swordsmiths have been folding steel for 750 years. Considering all the souvenirs I've ever brought home, this is the one is a treasure I use every day.
Click on the video below for a close up of the “wood grain”
of Japanese folded steel.
See how repeatedly fold forging steel blades (Click HERE)
creates a wood grain pattern in the hardened steel.
Here is a quick map...
creates a wood grain pattern in the hardened steel.
Here is a quick map...