TIP # 24 NARA, ASUKA, AND KYOTO TOURS On one of my earliest visits to Nara... Akiko Murakami shows how to use this call button to summon a waiter at one of her favorite restaurants.
We met Akiko in Nara on the last day of my second Fulbright trip to Japan. My advanced science students had been eager to find samurai sword souvenirs to take home. But first they should come to know Bushido, the Way of the Samurai, to learn that the Samurai "Sword is not for fighting."
It was late in Nara so Akiko's mother's store was the only storefront with a light on. I thought I saw movement within so I knocked and told her of our quest. She stepped out of the store closing the door behind her and walked us to the Nara Samurai Swordmaker that lived a 15 minute walk away. Akiko would later open my eyes to a Japan that I would have otherwise missed. Now she has her own Tour Company. I highly recommend taking her tours. In fact, for a reasonable fee, Akiko will be your personal guide to Nara, Kyoto and Asuka Village. Go to:
Click HERE for Akikos's Nara Yamato Tours
Tip # 24 Take a tour with Akiko, you will experience both modern and ancient Japan. Here are photos from her Instagram page.
Click HERE for her tour photos. https://www.instagram.com/naraspirit/?hl=ja