TAKUMI: You become a takumi when as A craftsman with a highly dedicated 60,000 hours of training and experience.
We will put together a takumi pilgrimage across Japan: to include Gassan Sadatoshi, the chef at Miyamasou in Kyoto, ... ...
OMOTENASHI @ 22:57 The Japanese form of unparalleled hospitality founded on a sense of gratitude and mindfulness.
Find your own form of omotenashi.
Click HERE for more about Kirie and handmade Japanese washi paper at 33:27 can last 1,000 years, western paper... 100.
29:31 In class we were asked to draw a flower. My classmates drew flowers looking down, "I was curious see what the underside looked like so I drew the flower as if I was looking up at the sky."
LEXUS 39:29
“genchi genbutsu,” or “go and see for yourself.”
Shu-Ha-Ri: The Wisdom to Achieve Mastery
“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready, the teacher will disappear” — Tao Te Ching