Friday, December 9, 2022


Unfamiliar Japanese concepts that will improve your life.  (Sent to us by Patricia Vining)

#1: Ikigai.   Know your reason for being.

Define the reason you get up in the morning.

Make it something you are good at, passionate about, and that the world needs.

THIS has great meaning.

#2  Wabi Sabi: Find beauty in imperfection.

Embrace your own flaws and those of others.
Nothing lasts forever.
Embrace imperfection.


#3 Shabui: the aesthetic of simple, subtle, and unobtrusive beauty.

Though simple, objects include subtle details.

Balance of simplicity and complexity that leads to something new, like the tea ceremony.


Leads viewer to draw beauty out meanings from within. 

#4: Kintsugi:  Coming back after being broken.  Repair cracks with gold.

Imperfections are a thing of beauty.

The journeys we all take are golden.

Our flaws are embe
llishments that make us more beautiful.

#5 Ryote to ryome de: "With both hands
and both eyes."
Attend to people and tasks with full attention.  
This brings nearly instant inner peace.  credit: Colleen Kieton

#6 Mottainai:  
Don't be wasteful.

Everything deserves respect and gratitude.

Recognize the value in what's around you and don't waste it.

#7: Gaman:  Have dignity during duress.

Hard times need to be met with emotional maturity and self-control.

We need patience, perseverance, and tolerance.

#8: Yuugen:  Appreciate mysterious beauty.

Often we FEEL the beauty in an object without it being stunning to look at.

Discover subtle beauty beyond aesthetics.

Experience something words cannot describe.

#9: Oubaitori:  Never compare yourself.

Everyone blossoms in their own time, and in different ways.

Don't judge yourself by someone else's path.

#10: Shikita ga nai:  Accept and let go.

Some things simply aren't within our control.

Accept what you cannot change, and move on.

#11: Omoiyari:  
Show consideration for others.

Life is better when we care for others.

Be thoughtful. Build compassion.

Credit: Tessa Davis for the original list,  which I have edited in a kind way.

#12: Shu-Ha-Ri. "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready... the teacher will Disappear."  --Tao Te Ching

Experiment, learn from masters.

Integrate learnings into practice.  

Imitate, then innovate, adapt to different situations.  

Follow, breakaway, transcend.