Saturday, August 31, 2019

Notes: Lunar Japan, Geisha, Shinto, Art Island


The Lunar Japan is not hidden, but easily missed.  Looking at the Japanese flag we see the rising sun, the logo of the industrial, political, global business side of Japan, but Japan’s hidden beauty is its lunar nature, the experiences that make us yearn to return as soon as when we depart. 

The Geishas are hostesses having completed advanced classes in dance, instrumental music, poetry, calligraphy, traditional Japanese tea ceremony, and other fine and performing arts. Their education takes several years.

Shinto, no founder, no dogma, no commandments.

Naoshima, Art Island, east of Hiroshima
Art House Project integrates art into nature. Stay at a hotel that’s also an art museum.
Source: penccil at Benesse House Museum

Kyoto, capitol for over 1,000 years.

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